-Non-contact cat thermometerClearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test Dual Hormone (20 per pack) 20 per pack

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Trying for a baby? Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation kit is the only test to typically identify 4 or more fertile days (1) when you have the best chances to get pregnant naturally each cycle. By accurately tracking 2 key fertility hormones, estrogen and luteinising hormone, this ovulation test not only identifies 2 peak fertility days, but also additional high fertility days before that. This means you have more opportunities to get pregnant - at least twice as many as with any other ovulation test (1). Unlike basal body temperature (BBT) charting, ovulation predictor kits detect the rise in luteinisning hormone (LH) that rises prior to ovulation to accurately detect the days before, and not after ovulation. Unlike other ovulation tests which track LH only, Clearblue Advanced also detects estrogen which rises prior to the LH surge to detect more fertile days. Because your partner’s sperm can survive in your body for up to 5 days, you can actually become pregnant by having intercourse during the days leading up to ovulation. Have intercourse on high and peak fertility days to maximise your chances of getting pregnant. The clear digital display gives you a Clearblue smiley face when it identifies your best days to get pregnant so you know your body is ready. Clearblue Advanced Digital tested over 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge. (1) In a study of 87 women, 4 or more fertile days were identified in 80% of cycles using actual cycle length (2012).

Product information

Trying for a baby? Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation kit is the only test to typically identify 4 or more fertile days (1) when you have the best chances to get pregnant naturally each cycle. By accurately tracking 2 key fertility hormones, estrogen and luteinising hormone, this ovulation test not only identifies 2 peak fertility days, but also additional high fertility days before that. This means you have more opportunities to get pregnant - at least twice as many as with any other ovulation test (1). Unlike basal body temperature (BBT) charting, ovulation predictor kits detect the rise in luteinisning hormone (LH) that rises prior to ovulation to accurately detect the days before, and not after ovulation. Unlike other ovulation tests which track LH only, Clearblue Advanced also detects estrogen which rises prior to the LH surge to detect more fertile days. Because your partners sperm can survive in your body for up to 5 days, you can actually become pregnant by having intercourse during the days leading up to ovulation. Have intercourse on high and peak fertility days to maximise your chances of getting pregnant. The clear digital display gives you a Clearblue smiley face when it identifies your best days to get pregnant so you know your body is ready. Clearblue Advanced Digital tested over 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge.

(1) In a study of 87 women, 4 or more fertile days were identified in 80% of cycles using actual cycle length (2012).
The only test to typically identify 4 or more fertile days for more opportunities to get pregnant at least 2x any other ovulation test (1), 20 test sticks give you a higher chance of detecting your most fertile days if your cycle length varies, or if you dont know how long it is, Clear results, the unique Clearblue smiley face appears on your fertile days: make love on High and Peak Fertility days to maximise your chances of getting pregnant, Identifies additional high fertility days that no other test can, so you have more opportunities to get pregnant, No. 1 UK Doctor recommended brand in a survey of doctors in the UK (data on file). Providing pregnancy tests, ovulation kits and fertility tests for women for over 35 years, Can adjust every time you test according to your unique hormone profile, Over 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge, Easy to use vs ovulation test strips - in a UK study, 7/10 women found strips were not easy to use (111 women using and reading different test types)
Country of Origin

Store at room temperature
Preparation and Usage
For self-testing at home. For in vitro diagnostic use only. Not for internal use. Do not reuse test sticks. Keep out of reach of children. Store between 2 -30C. Allow to reach room temperature for 30 minutes prior to testing if stored refrigerated. Do not use if the foil wrapper is damaged. Once foil is opened, use immediately. Do not use after the use by' date. This product contains batteries. Contains small parts. Do not eat any component of this device. If accidentally swallowed, seek medical attention. Report any injury caused by the use of this product to Clearblue and the competent authority for the Member State. Only use test sticks for Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test with the holder. Not for contraceptive use. Results must be read on the display and not by any lines you might see on the test stick.Disposing of your holderWhen you have finished using the holder, separate the upper and lower halves starting at the end nearest the display. Remove the batteries from under the central metal cover and dispose of them according to the appropriate recycling scheme. Caution: Do not take apart, recharge, or dispose of the batteries in fire. Do not swallow. Keep away from children. Dispose of the rest of the holder according to the appropriate recycling scheme for electrical equipment. Do not dispose of electrical equipment in fire.
Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is not intended for contraceptive use and is not suitable if you have recently been pregnant, reached the menopause, have polycystic ovarian syndrome or are taking certain fertility drugs. Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test can be used if you are taking clomiphene citrate.

Please read enclosed instructions before use. This device is for home use.

Package Type
Other Information
Safety Warning:
Always read the manufacturer's instructions for any medication you are taking before testing.You may get misleading results if you are taking fertility drugs containing luteinising hormone (LH) or human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or are taking antibiotic containing tetracyclines. Some fertility treatments such as clomiphene citrate may give misleading High Fertility results but Peak Fertility results should not be affected.If you have recently stopped using hormonal contraception your cycles may be irregular so you may wish to wait until you have had 2 cycles before testing.As prenatal care is very important for a baby's health, we recommend that you consult your doctor before you try to conceive. Check with your doctor if you are taking any medication or have any medical condition before planning a pregnancy. If you have a medically diagnosed fertility problem, ask your doctor if this test is suitable for you and if you do get unexpected results discuss them with your doctor.If you are under 35 years and haven't become pregnant, we recommend you see your doctor after 12 months. If you're over 35 years see your doctor if you haven't become pregnant after 6 months, and straight away if you are over 40.This IVD digital device meets the missions and immunity requirements of EN 61326-2-6. The EMC countermeasures employed within the electronic instrument will provide reasonable protection against electromagnetic interference effects likely to be encountered in the home environment. The following preventive warnings apply to EN 61326-2-6 compliant equipment. a) Use of this instrument in a dry environment, especially if synthetic materials are present (synthetic clothing, carpets etc.) may cause damaging static discharges that may cause erroneous results. b) Do not use this instrument in close proximity to sources of strong electromagnetic radiation (e.g., mobile phones), as these may interfere with the proper operation.SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH, Route de St Georges 47, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland. GB: 0800 917 2710; IE: 1800 812 607. www.clearblue.com. Name & Adress of Authorised Representative: MDSS GmbH, Schiffgraben 41 Hannover 30175, Germany: ${email}.
SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH, Route de St Georges 47, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland
Return To Address
Customer Support, SPD Development Company Ltd, Clearblue Innovation Centre, Priory Business Park, Bedford, MK44 3UP United Kingdom
1 Digital Holder and 20 Test Sticks