Fleas and ticks are dangerous parasites that spread serious diseases: other than rhinitis, echlosis and babies, and other rare diseases. These diseases can be dangerous for humans too. Their treatment usually involves lengthy, often long-lasting health damage and may even be fatal, both in humans and in dogs. Fleas are also dangerous parasites, their stinging may cause an allergic reaction and also spread the dog's gallbladder - a parasite that often occurs in our environment.
There are several types of products available to control fleas and ticks, including collars, sprays, shampoos and spot-on solutions. The latter are among the most modern ones, including those with fipronil active ingredients. They are used worldwide and are reliable in terms of efficiency and safety. Fypronil containing Fypryst should be applied to a single spot on the neck of the animal from which the active substance reaches all parts of the body surface. Fipronil accumulates in the lipid-containing constituents of the skin and in hair follicles, from which it is constantly released and distributed on the skin and coat. This provides a durable, uniform external parasitic effect.
It is very important that the owner should always consult his / her veterinarian for the effectiveness of flea and tick control.