---He Is a Good Boy

Options! Just the Book Book Plus Sketchbook SIGNED Book Plus Sketchbook!

"" about an acorn who is forced to leave his tree and face the uncertain horrors of modern bug society, which pretty much mimics our own but they're bugs instead (and rocks are alive, too). It pokes a lot of fun at itself and growing up and horror tropes and anything else that walks in its way. A story about the inevitability we feel like we have to accept but don't want to like. Going down kicking and screaming if we have to, that kinda stuff. It's cartoonishly gory and juvenile and that's what makes it fun to read, if you can stomach that kind of weird thinking.

 Comin in at 8" x 11" and 444 pages. It's a biggun'! Full color, too. Glossy pages and stuff, almost 3 and a half pounds!

Extra options include a 52-page sketchbook "The Horselady Files" and signed and sketched (but not personalized) bookplates!