- Cat stress soothing sprayLavazza Qualita Rossa Coffee Beans 250g

Title Default Title

Qualità Rossa is synonymous with Italian passion and joy. It can be enjoyed with or without milk at any moment of the day. It looks just as good as it tastes with a golden crema and a warm colour.With an unmistakable aroma to happily recharge your batteries and share magic moments, Qualità Rossa will be your sip of joy.- 250g pack of medium roast coffee beans with a level 5 intensity- Origins: South America and Africa- A blend of Robusta and Arabica ground coffee with a smooth flavour and hints of chocolate and dried fruit - Once ground, this ground coffee can be used with a moka pot, filtered coffee machine or a French press- Store in a cool and dry place for long-­lasting freshness 

Product information

Qualit Rossa is synonymous with Italian passion and joy. It can be enjoyed with or without milk at any moment of the day. It looks just as good as it tastes with a golden crema and a warm colour.
With an unmistakable aroma to happily recharge your batteries and share magic moments, Qualit Rossa will be your sip of joy.

- 250g packofmediumroastcoffee beans withalevel5intensity
- Origins: SouthAmericaandAfrica

- AblendofRobustaandArabicaground coffee withasmoothflavourandhintsofchocolateanddriedfruit
- Once ground, thisgroundcoffeecanbeusedwithamokapot,filteredcoffeemachineoraFrenchpress
- Storeinacoolanddryplaceforlong-lasting freshness
level 5 intensity, medium roast coffee beans, 250 grams coffee beans
Country of Origin

Suitable for vegetarians

Tips for Freshness:
After opening, keep your Lavazza coffee in the fridge in an airtight opaque container.
Preparation and Usage
After grinding
Package Type
Other Information
Full Product Name:
Roasted coffee beans.

Best before: date shown on side of pack.
After opening, store in a dry and cool place.

Lavazza Australia Pty Ltd,
117 Church Street,
VIC 3122.
Since1895theLavazzafamilyisdevotedtothepursuitofcoffeeperfection.TrueItaliancoffeetaste:ourpassion,your pleasure. LuigiLavazza
Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.,
Via Bologna, 32,
10152 Torino,

Lavazza Coffee (UK) Ltd.,
5th Floor,
The Charter Building,
Vine Street,
UB8 1JG.
Return To Address
For more information on the Lavazza coffee range in the UK please contact:
Lavazza Coffee (UK) Ltd.,
5th Floor,
The Charter Building,
Vine Street,
UB8 1JG.
Tel.: 01895 209 750