-Non-contact cat thermometerSam & Fuzzy: Race to the Bottom Pt. 1 & 2 (Volume 6 & 7/Omnibus VI & VII)

Options! Softcover Hardcover

The epic conclusion of the entire Sam and Fuzzy series is collected in this massive two book set! Available in a standard softcover set or a deluxe hardcover omnibus box set.

Race to the Bottom is the two-part conclusion to the series, and is jam-packed with 1200 pages of surprises and mayhem. You'll see the secret robot kingdom of Megalopolis 01,  visit the Valley of Monsters, discover the secret origins of The Committee... and yes, you will find out what is in The Pit.

The set also includes a ton exclusive bonus material, including author commentary, full color bonus art and comics, an expansive S&F timeline feature, and more!